We have been enjoying being near the ocean and the beach! Here are a few of my favorite memories so far...
Above, my favorite place to see the sunset!
A view from Fort Myers Beach Pier. It’s funny to see how many people flock to the beach on a sunny day compared to a day that’s still warm but overcast. I like it less crowded :)
Bobby joined Sea Trek Charters and caught delicious snapper!
The pelicans sit waiting for their “treats”, as the captain of the charter filets your fish for you!
A sunny Sunday afternoon, spending time watching tons of boats go by as Bobby fishes. Me, repping my Captiva Island shirt in mint and holding the Whitney’s Bait and Tackle coozie with Cigar City Brown Ale.
Rooftop Drinks and BBQ Wings at Lani Kia Island Resort. Definitely too many rum drinks this night...oopsies!
Sitting at The Salty Crab, drinking a Rum Bucket, with my feet in the sand. How fun! The food looked and smelled amazing too.
Last but definitely not least, it’s super fun to sit outside at Big Kahuna Pizza and people watch on a sunny afternoon on Estero Blvd.
Thanks for joining me!