So what is Personal Microdermabrasion, and is is for you?
Microdermabrasion is a minimally invasive procedure used to renew overall skin tone and texture. It can improve the appearance of sun damage, wrinkles, fine lines, age spots, acne scarring, melasma, and other skin-related concerns and conditions.
The exfoliating power of the PMD microdermabrasion machine and rejuvenating powers of the PMD Recovery Mask are unlike ANY other skincare product I have ever used. I love that it is also an all natural technique, so you would not need to use a harsh products, treatments, and cleansers, only to simply wonder if they are working or not. When you take a more thorough and aggressive approach to skincare, such as a microdermabrasion, you remove that layer of dead skin, scars, and even fine lines! After 8-12 weekly treatments, your skin should be showing MAJOR improvements. Honestly, you wind up seeing results after the FIRST TIME of use.
PMD kindly sent me a beautiful gift set for review, and I could not be happier with my face after 20 years of “hating my skin”!
Do you ever feel like you work and work to keep your skin clean and fresh to no avail? Those blackheads are just sitting right under the skin, but are not wanting to budge. I am someone who suffers from less acne than I used to before reducing soda and dairy, but my skins is still nowhere near perfect.
FINALLY, after using the PMD machine four times, I can say, that I am finally HAPPY with the appearance of my skin. No joke, I have had skin troubles since I was 14, and this is the first actual technique that has made a difference.
Personal Microderm will remove the top layer of dead dull skin and bring blood flow to the surface of the skin, which will allow your skin to absorb the powerful specially formulated ingredients of the mask for smoother brighter skin. Love your skin starting TODAY!
Personal Microderm combines Patented Spinning Disc technology with Perfectly Calibrated Vacuum Suction to brighten, smooth, and even skin tone and texture. After using the Personal Microderm, the specially formulated Recovery Masks will hydrate and sooth the skin to minimize the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and dark spots.
“Does the PMD really work? Showing you how to use the PMD Personal Microderm the RIGHT WAY in today's tutorial to help you get glowing skin at home! I've been using the PMD Microdermabrasion system for a few months now and I LOVE the way my skin looks.”
Below, you will see a diagram of how to use the machine around your entire face. It is most important to not hover over any one spot too long, or you can get a little spot on your face, like you would if you skinned your knee a tiny bit! This will rarely happen, but there is that possibility.
If you are curious about the variety of PMD Discs or tips, you can see below, that the different colors indicate how rough they are. I have used the white and grey so far and they have been amazing! No issues!
The Love Your Skin Beauty Kit comes with a rose gold metallic zippered bag that holds everything you need! Machine, discs, face masks, and cord.
I also found a VERY thorough review on the PMD machine, which I have shared below. Find that original article here!
Have you ever considered using this treatment for your skin? Let me know in the comments below!