Apple MacBook Air ON SUPER SALE

I have MANY Apple devices and love them all. I got my first Mac Laptop back when I started college and it lasted me about 7 years. I wound up gifting it to a friend who was going to college and had zero money to spend on a computer. I then purchased my second and current MacBook Pro about ten years ago and have been extremely happy with it ever since.

When I recently came across this particular deal, I was blown away. apple products are finally much more affordable than a few years ago. NOW, they are finally attainable for so many more families due to deals like the one I found here on the Apple MacBook Air 13.3 inch laptop, from Walmart.

I have seen SO many students get behind simply because their computers are JUNK. This is a great chance at a better start. PLUS, I would 110% recommend you get the 3 year apple care plan just because they will replace your laptop if anything major happens. BIG PLUS!

Last year, when Travis’ oldest niece went off to college, he purchased her a MacBook to send her off on a great start for college. It was VERY expensive, but the exact thing a young woman needed to start her life living away from home, and basically being an adult.

This year his other niece graduated and is heading off to college in August, so we together bought her a MacBook too. Both girls lost their parents about seven years ago, so Travis does his best to help any way he can. We decided both girls HAD to have the same computer or it just wouldn’t be fair, so they are both happy college students who have the BEST start they can possibly get! It is just so important to help these girls off to a great start when living away from home for their first times ever.

Check out this awesome deal at Walmart on this awesome MacBook Air 13.3” Laptop here!