After reading more into the KonMari Method, here are some key points.
Step 1: Decide what you want to get out of your space.
Ask yourself, what is your ideal lifestyle, and how can this space help you attain that? For me, I want to be a professional, very organized lifestyle blogger, and so this closet space needed to help me with that mission.
Step 2: Declutter and divide like items into groups
Take everything out of the space and organize it into piles of similar items. If there are certain items that do not actually make you feel happy, or that distract you from your initial goal(s), then it may be time to pass those items along. Then, you will be able to better organize those things that you do need.
Step 3: Decide what "sparks joy".
Marie Kondo explains what it means to spark joy. Ask yourself questions like
- Does the item contribute to making you feel good about yourself, your job, and your space?
- Will it help you with that particular job?
If not, then time to remove that item from the space and either discard, donate, or recycle it.
Step 4: Say Thank You and Discard (or Donate)
This is probably the most important and hardest of all of the steps. It's important to first realize how much space you even have for things, because if there are things we just never have room for, it may be time to just simply purge things. It can definitely be "scary" getting rid of things that you are so sentimental or that you have had for along time, but if it's something that you never use, or keep moving back and forth without using or having space for, then it may be time to let it go.
As suggested by Marie Kondo, say a little "thank you" to the items which have served you in the past, and send the items on their way. Discard, recycle, or donate those items which are not fulfilling your mission to "spark joy" in your life, and then give a quickly tidy up or reorganize to the space to now suite your needs better.
For me, I have gotten rid of tons of clothing, old papers, and other photography and food/drink styling related props by asking myself, would I ever really use this again, or is is outdated? Or, is this s timeless piece that I will be able to use again and again?